
Andrea Panizza

  • 1970 Wezembeek-Oppem, Belgique

Profil de compétences

  • Secteurs
    • TV & Médias
    • Broadcast TV (Live/Studio)
  • Métiers
    • Monteur(euse) Vidéo
    • Coordinateur
  • Logiciels
    • Adobe Premiere Pro
    • Obs


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Aucune recommandation pour le moment.


Canon C100 Mk2

Super35 AVCHD camera, Canon EF

Canon Lens set

35mm, 50mm, 85mm, 24-105mm, 70-200mm

Zoom F4

Multifield track recorder


  • Italien
  • Anglais
  • Français


I have approached video production in the early 90's and I have now knowledge of the entire evolution's process of technology, content production and dissemination, from the video tape to the cloud and AI generated content. 
I acquired a solid experience and a multicultural approach in managing complex visual/media projects. I am a strategical thinker, I combine a strong analytical and problem solving attitude with an effective project management mindset. I have concrete knowledge of online research, fact checking and right management.
I can follow the entire production's process of a traditional, hybrid or remote video/media project, from the first concept on paper until the final delivery and dissemination.

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