
Julien Maes

  • 1030 Bruxelles, Belgique

Profil de compétences

  • Secteurs
    • Cinéma
  • Métiers
    • 2ème Assistant(e) Caméra
  • Permis de conduire
    • B


Aucune recommandation pour le moment. Soyez le premier à recommander Julien .

Aucune recommandation pour le moment.


  • Français
  • Anglais
  • Italien
  • Allemand
  • Néerlandais


Born in Brussels, Belgium. I obtained a Master for Philosophy and a Master of Arts degree in Film Studies and Scriptwriting at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB). From 2007 to 2008 I studied filmmaking at the Cinecittà Film Academy located in Rome. Back in Brussels, I began working as a camera assistant and later started a position as a camera maintenance technician at the rental company Eye-Lite in 2012, developing further my career on sets in parallel. I quit my position in 2017 and I am now working freelance as second assistant camera.

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